ITSSAR – NPORS – Forklift Truck Training – Scotland.

Fork Lift Truck & Plant Scotland

If you are looking for quality & affordable training for any of the following, then you have come to the right place. 

all forklift truck training

mobile elevated platforms MEWP

crane operator training, banksman, slinging

plant training & all equipment

excavators & digger training 

Contact Us

For any enquiries about our training or prices, use our contact form and our forklift truck training manager, will phone you ASAP to discuss your requirements.

Training your staff with Forklift Truck Training and Plant Scotland trainers will ensure your staff will be trained to a very high standards to carry out inspections, have a safe working environment and understand employees responsibilities.

Successful operators receive accredited certificates on passing theory and practical tests – ITSSAR,& NPORS, or LOLER (thorough examination of lifting equipment).

Need Trained Drivers or Operators for Temporary or Permanent Positions?

We have an up-to-date database of trained drivers or operators currently looking for work, temporary or permanent. These drivers and operators are fully trained and ready to work.

Please use the form below to let us know of your needs and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Company *
Company Address *
Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone *
Please only use numbers ie. NO SPACES, NO ‘-‘, and so on…
Vacancy Type Temporary Permanent
Driver Operator Required

(tick all that apply)
Forklift Truck Mobile Elevated Platforms
Crane Operator Digger
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Preferred Form

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